The lies I weave are oh so intricate. Tell me, is your heart still beating?

Saturday, 24 April 2010

First ceremonial post

In which, I feel that the fonts on the site to be magnificently huge and a tad bit annoying. It's possible to reduce the font for personal viewing, but I'd hate to tamper with IE's zooming, which will, in turn, affect every single page that I view on it. Why tamper when there's only one small bug?

Anyway, got this account because I fail at keeping up with LJ. And that journal is private to LJ users, hence the no-view at all of my posts. So I figured I'd keep personal life matters here. It makes me feel like I'm leading a three way life - fandom at LJ, roleplay at AIM, and personal here - but who cares.

I still think that the formatting and HTML at LJ is neater. Just saying.


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